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Welcome To The State Department for the ASALs and Regional Development

The State Department for the ASALs and Regional Development was established through Executive Order No. 1 of January 2023 following the reorganization of Government of the Republic of Kenya. Prior to this Executive Order, the State Department for the ASALs and the State Department for Regional and Northern Corridor Development were in different Ministries.

This Executive Order merged the function of the ASALs with those of Regional Development with a broader mandate to coordinate and accelerate integrated development in the ASALs and the basin-based regions.  This Mandate was expanded to include; Special Programmes, Food Relief Management and Humanitarian Emergency Response and Projects in Response to Displacement Impacts.


This website has therefore been created to increase public awareness on the role of the State Department in delivering its mandate, while ensuring there is an avenue for public participation through a feedback mechanism offered in this platform. The information available in this website is not limited to projects undertaken, and the organizational framework through which we deliver our services.


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