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Official signing ceremony of the Joint Programme to " Sustainability Unlock the Economic Potential of Lake Turkana."


PS Kello Harsama, accompanied by esteemed dignitaries, was honored to attend the official signing ceremony of the Joint Programme aimed at "Sustainably Unlocking the Economic Potential of Lake Turkana." This significant event marked the beginning of a transformative journey for the communities in the Lake Turkana region.

The Programme, meticulously structured around three fundamental pillars, is strategically designed to enhance the livelihoods and economic wellbeing of the communities. These pillars, each with specific objectives, serve as the cornerstone for the sustainable development of the region.

Over the course of five years, this groundbreaking Programme will be generously funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This substantial support underscores the commitment of the international community to the economic development and prosperity of the Lake Turkana region.

Key stakeholders, including the National Government, the Marsabit County Government, and the Turkana County Government, have pledged their unwavering support to this transformative initiative. Their collaborative efforts will ensure the effective implementation of the Programme, maximizing its impact and reaching the communities in need.

The Joint Programme aims to create a sustainable framework that empowers the communities of Lake Turkana, ensuring long-term economic growth and prosperity. By harnessing the region's natural resources and building local capacity, the Programme seeks to unlock the full potential of Lake Turkana, paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for all.


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