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Principal Secretary Harsama Kello Leads National Effort to Improve Humanitarian Response

Principal Secretary Harsama Kello has taken a significant step towards enhancing Kenya's emergency response capabilities. At a recent joint Government of Kenya (GoK) and World Food Programme (WFP) after-action review meeting, he delivered a keynote address emphasizing the importance of effective coordination in emergency response programs. The meeting, was attended by governors from ASALS counties  and key humanitarian stakeholders, highlighted the need for robust coordination systems and structures to improve response efforts.

One of the key initiatives highlighted by PS Kello is the development of the National Relief Assistance Policy. This policy, currently being crafted by his department, aims to address challenges faced by both governmental and non-governmental actors in the humanitarian field. Anticipated to be finalized by the end of the financial year, the policy will set standards and guidelines for all humanitarian players, minimizing duplications and optimizing resource utilization to enhance the efficiency of relief programs.

In addition to the policy, the State Department is also working on the Relief Assistance Management Information System (RAMIS). This digital platform will facilitate the upcoming cash transfer program, making it easier and more efficient to transfer cash to beneficiaries. RAMIS is expected to streamline relief efforts and ensure that assistance reaches those in need promptly.

PS Kello also stressed the importance of leveraging the food production potential in ASALs counties. He urged all stakeholders to prioritize initiatives that enhance food security in these regions.

In conclusion, PS Kello thanked all stakeholders for their continued support and urged them to remain committed to improving Kenya's humanitarian response capabilities. His efforts, along with those of the State Department, are set to make a significant impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of relief programs in Kenya.

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