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Government Launches Emergency Response to Combat Disease Outbreaks in Flood-Hit Regions

In a bid to curb the spread of waterborne diseases in flood-affected regions, the Principal Secretary, Kello Harsama, announced the distribution of 120,000 mosquito nets starting Thursday. These nets will be provided to residents in Garissa, Kwale, Mandera, Wajir, Lamu, Tana River, Marsabit, and other affected areas.

Harsama emphasized the urgency of the situation, highlighting the increased risk of diseases like malaria, cholera, and diarrhea due to the ongoing flood situation. He assured that the government is committed to supporting those affected, with plans to distribute essential items such as food, medicine, iron sheets, mattresses, and blankets to displaced families.

Additionally, the government has implemented long-term strategies to harvest water during the rainy season, aiming to mitigate future water-related challenges in these regions.

The recent statistics underscore the severity of the situation, with 391 cases of diarrhea reported in Garissa, Kwale, Mandera, and Wajir counties, along with 94 cases of cholera in Lamu County alone. The distribution of mosquito nets and other essentials is a crucial step in protecting the health and well-being of communities grappling with the aftermath of flooding in these regions.

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