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Government Distribute Relief Food in Kanziko, Kitui County, in Response to El- Nino Floods

In a heartening display of compassion and solidarity,  Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza and PS Kello Harsama spearheaded a relief effort in Kanziko, Kitui County, to aid those affected by the recent El-Nino floods. The distribution of government relief food is a pivotal step in providing crucial support to the residents grappling with the aftermath of the floods.

The government's commitment to assisting the community in Kanziko is evident in the meticulous planning and execution of the relief food distribution. The officials ensured that the supplies reached the affected households promptly and efficiently, reflecting the government's dedication to alleviating the hardships faced by the residents.

This initiative underscores the government's unwavering commitment to standing in solidarity with the community during these trying times. By extending immediate aid and support, the government endeavors to facilitate the recovery and resilience of the residents in Kanziko, aiding them in rebuilding and restoring their lives after the calamitous impact of the floods.

Through this collaborative effort, the government not only provides essential relief but also embodies a beacon of hope and reassurance for the residents, illustrating that they are not alone in their struggle. This concerted endeavor serves as a testament to the government's steadfast resolve to prioritize the welfare and well-being of its citizens, especially in times of adversity.

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