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Secretary Administration, Mr. Paul Muraya giving his remarks in the State Department's Performance Review Session


The State Department has recently undertaken a crucial initiative aimed at enhancing the performance and success of all State Corporations under its jurisdiction. The Mid-Year Performance Review, a meticulous process, has been initiated to ensure that the Department remains agile, focused, and successful in its endeavors. 

 The review process is more than just a routine exercise; it is a strategic approach to bring key personnel together for a comprehensive review session. This session provides a unique opportunity for employees to re-engage with the Department's overarching goals, reinforcing organizational alignment and clarifying mutual objectives. It also serves as a platform to promote collaboration and foster a positive, high-performance culture within the Department. 

 In today's dynamic landscape, the focus on public service delivery has shifted towards 'results'. Without clear targets, performance benchmarks, and standards, evaluating results becomes a challenging task. As Winston Churchill once said, "However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results." 

 Recognizing this, the Department emphasizes the importance of strategic planning and focus. These elements not only empower and motivate employees but also enable them to set clear priorities and think boldly. The Administration Secretary, Mr. Paul Muraya, reiterated the significance of regular target reviews, as they allow State Corporations to adjust their strategies and stay relevant. This is achieved by assessing their performance through a comparison of actual results against set targets. 

 In essence, the Mid-Year Performance Review ensures that State Corporations stay on track, adapt to changes, and remain steadfast in achieving their strategic objectives. It is a testament to the Department's commitment to excellence and its unwavering dedication to driving success at every level. 

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