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Distribution of foodstuffs to vulnerable Muslim families in Sololo and Dambala Fachana - Marsabit County.

Following the directive from His Excellency the President of the Republic of Kenya to ensure vulnerable Muslim families have food during the holy month of Ramadan, PS Kello Harsama  distributed foodstuffs to vulnerable Muslim families in Sololo, Marsabit County.

The aid package was inclusive of  rice, beans, cooking oil, pasta, and corned beef. The government of Kenya will distribute foodstuffs to vulnerable Muslim families in 19 counties, with Marsabit County receiving 320 bags of rice, 800 bags of beans, 10 cartons of cooking oil, 10 bales of pasta, and 5 cartons of corned beef specifically allocated.

The PS also visited Dambala Fachana to distribute foodstuff,500 sheets of mabati and 50 pieces of blankets to recent victims of strong winds, alleviating their immediate hardship.

These distributions will be coordinated by the County Commissioners in collaboration with Muslim Leadership.

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