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Celebrating International Minorities Rights Day at Bomas of Kenya: A Milestone in Pursuit of Equality and Inclusion

Principal Secretary Kello Harsama joined Hon. MusaliaMudavadi, Prime Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Chief of staff, and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei , alongside Cabinet Secretaries and fellow colleagues, at Bomas of Kenya to commemorate International Minorities Rights Day. This significant event served as a crucial platform, highlighting national and international solidarity in the quest for minority rights.

The celebrations were deeply rooted in Kenya's constitutional principles, particularly Article 10 on national values, Article 27 on equality and freedom from discrimination, and Article 100 on the promotion and representation of marginalized groups. Remarkably, this marked the first such celebration since its declaration in 1992, underscoring the commitment to advancing minority rights in Kenya and beyond.

The event featured insightful discussions, cultural showcases, and reflections on the progress made in safeguarding the rights of minorities. It emphasized the importance of inclusivity and diversity in building a more equitable society. Participants reiterated their dedication to upholding these fundamental rights and pledged to continue advocating for the rights of all minorities.

The celebration at Bomas of Kenya was not just a commemoration but also a reaffirmation of Kenya's commitment to promoting and protecting the rights of all its citizens, regardless of their background. It was a testament to the country's unwavering commitment to fostering a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

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